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  1. Install Power Tab Editor
    An article that provides instructions on how to install Power Tab Editor.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 21-Oct-2007
  2. Will Power Tab Editor Be Released As Open Source?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about the possibility of Power Tab Editor going open source.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 20-Aug-2007
  3. Is Power Tab Editor v1.7 Supported On Windows Vista?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about whether Power Tab Editor v1.7 is supported on Microsoft Windows Vista.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 20-Aug-2007
  4. What Operating Systems Are Supported By Power Tab Editor?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about which operating systems Power Tab Editor will run on.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 20-Aug-2007
  5. Are There Any Plans to Create a MacIntosh Build of the Editor?
    An answer to a commonly asked question about the possibility of a Macintosh compatible version of Power Tab Editor.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 08-Jul-2007
  6. Using a Software Synthesizer for Playback
    An article that explains how you can use a software based synthesizer to generate MIDI sounds in Power Tab Editor.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 28-May-2007
  7. Create An RSS New Feed For Your Power Tab Related Web Site
    An article that provides instructions on how Webmasters can create RSS news feeds for their Web site.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 28-May-2007
  8. I Have A Fretlight Guitar, Is There Any Way To Make The Lights Work With Power Tab?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about whether the Fretlight interactive light system can be used with Power Tab Editor.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 28-May-2007
  9. Power Tab Files Are Being Loaded By The Wrong Program
    An article detailing a solution to the problem when double-clicking on .ptb files opens up a program other than Power Tab Editor. (usually an Adobe product)
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 28-May-2007
  10. Are There Any Plans To Create A Linux or *nix Build Of The Editor?
    An answer to a commonly asked question about the possibility of a Linux or *nix compatible version of Power Tab Editor.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 28-May-2007
  11. Add A Second Guitar To A Power Tab Score
    An article that provides instructions on how to add a second guitar into a Power Tab score.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 07-Nov-2006
  12. Error Message: Could not create Autosave directory. Autosave will be disabled
    An article that provides a solution to an Autosave error related to limited user accounts on Windows.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 07-Nov-2006
  13. Error Message: Could not rename Autosave file. Autosave will be disabled
    An article that provides a solution to an Autosave error related to limited user accounts on Windows.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 07-Nov-2006
  14. After Opening A Power Tab File That Should Contain Music, The File Appears To Be Empty
    An article that provides a solution to the problem that occurs when you open a Power Tab file that should contain music, and the file appears to be empty.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 07-Nov-2006
  15. Error Message: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel.
    An article that provides a solution to an error that occurs when a file is opened within Power Tab Librarian.
    Posted/updated by Brad Larsen on 15-Aug-2006