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Knowledge Base Top Picks
- Install Power Tab Editor
An article that provides instructions on how to install Power Tab Editor. - 21-Oct-2007 Popularity Rating: 0.817700
- Install Power Tab Librarian
An article that provides instructions on how to install Power Tab Librarian. - 15-Aug-2006 Popularity Rating: 0.217200
- Where Can I Download Tabs (.ptb files) for Power Tab Editor?
An answer to the commonly asked question about where you can find tabs for Power Tab Editor. - 12-Aug-2006 Popularity Rating: 0.189500
- Where Can I Download The Power Tab Player?
An answer to the commonly asked question about where you can download Power Tab Player. - 11-Feb-2005 Popularity Rating: 0.145000
- Open A Power Tab File (.ptb file)
An article that provides instructions on how to open a Power Tab File. (.ptb file) - 19-Feb-2005 Popularity Rating: 0.117500
- Understanding Power Tab Tablature Notation
An article that explains the Power Tab tablature notation in detail. - 10-Feb-2005 Popularity Rating: 0.037500
- Is Power Tab Editor v1.7 Supported On Windows Vista?
An answer to the commonly asked question about whether Power Tab Editor v1.7 is supported on Microsoft Windows Vista. - 20-Aug-2007 Popularity Rating: 0.027100
- Power Tab Files Are Being Loaded By The Wrong Program
An article detailing a solution to the problem when double-clicking on .ptb files opens up a program other than Power Tab Editor. (usually an Adobe product) - 28-May-2007 Popularity Rating: 0.024600
- Letters (Vs) Appear In Place Of Music Notes And Symbols
An article that provides a solution for users who can't get music notes and symbols to display correctly in the score. - 29-May-2005 Popularity Rating: 0.012400
- No Sound During Playback
An article detailing how to get playback working when you can't hear any sound after you play a score. - 11-Feb-2005 Popularity Rating: 0.009800
- Is It Possible To Alter The Speed Of The Score During Playback?
An answer to the commonly asked question about whether it is possible to speed up, or slow down playback. - 11-Feb-2005 Popularity Rating: 0.007900
- What Operating Systems Are Supported By Power Tab Editor?
An answer to the commonly asked question about which operating systems Power Tab Editor will run on. - 20-Aug-2007 Popularity Rating: 0.005300
- Convert Power Tab Scores To The Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf)
An article that provides instructions on how to convert a Power Tab score to the Adobe Portable Document file format.(.pdf) - 18-Apr-2006 Popularity Rating: 0.005300
- Standard 5 String Bass Tuning is Incorrect
A bug concerning the default 5 string bass tuning in the Tuning Dictionary. - 10-Feb-2005 Popularity Rating: 0.004500
- Error Message: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel.
An article that provides a solution to an error that occurs when a file is opened within Power Tab Librarian. - 15-Aug-2006 Popularity Rating: 0.003900
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