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Popular Knowledge Base Articles

  1. Where Can I Download Tabs (.ptb files) for Power Tab Editor?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about where you can find tabs for Power Tab Editor. - 12-Aug-2006
    Popularity Rating: 3.669400

  2. Install Power Tab Editor
    An article that provides instructions on how to install Power Tab Editor. - 21-Oct-2007
    Popularity Rating: 0.527500

  3. Understanding Power Tab Tablature Notation
    An article that explains the Power Tab tablature notation in detail. - 10-Feb-2005
    Popularity Rating: 0.471800

  4. Are There Any Plans to Create a MacIntosh Build of the Editor?
    An answer to a commonly asked question about the possibility of a Macintosh compatible version of Power Tab Editor. - 08-Jul-2007
    Popularity Rating: 0.350100

  5. What Operating Systems Are Supported By Power Tab Editor?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about which operating systems Power Tab Editor will run on. - 20-Aug-2007
    Popularity Rating: 0.281300

  6. Where Can I Download The Power Tab Player?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about where you can download Power Tab Player. - 11-Feb-2005
    Popularity Rating: 0.272300

  7. Open A Power Tab File (.ptb file)
    An article that provides instructions on how to open a Power Tab File. (.ptb file) - 19-Feb-2005
    Popularity Rating: 0.260300

  8. No Sound During Playback
    An article detailing how to get playback working when you can't hear any sound after you play a score. - 11-Feb-2005
    Popularity Rating: 0.217500

  9. Convert Power Tab Scores To The Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf)
    An article that provides instructions on how to convert a Power Tab score to the Adobe Portable Document file format.(.pdf) - 18-Apr-2006
    Popularity Rating: 0.215400

  10. Is It Possible To Alter The Speed Of The Score During Playback?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about whether it is possible to speed up, or slow down playback. - 11-Feb-2005
    Popularity Rating: 0.189100

  11. Is It Possible To Create Drum Scores With Power Tab Editor 1.7?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about whether it is possible to create scores for percussion instruments in Power Tab Editor. - 10-Feb-2005
    Popularity Rating: 0.163700

  12. Power Tab File (.ptb file) Will Not Load in Power Tab Editor
    An article that provides a possible solution for users who can't load a Power Tab file. (.ptb file) - 19-Feb-2005
    Popularity Rating: 0.150900

  13. Where Can I Download Power Tab Editor?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about where you can download Power Tab Editor. - 10-Feb-2005
    Popularity Rating: 0.150500

  14. Is It Possible To Transpose A Score To A Different Key?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about score transposition. - 10-Feb-2005
    Popularity Rating: 0.130200

  15. Is Power Tab Editor v1.7 Supported On Windows Vista?
    An answer to the commonly asked question about whether Power Tab Editor v1.7 is supported on Microsoft Windows Vista. - 20-Aug-2007
    Popularity Rating: 0.115900

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